Cell phone is dangerous to your health!

Cell phone is dangerous to your health!

Radiofrequency energy is a form of non-ionizing radiation given off by cellular phones, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors and countless other devices. Scientific studies have linked electromagnetic radiation from long-term cellphone use to an increased risk of brain cancer, damaging our DNA and other health problems.

While cellphone emits relatively weak electromagnetic radiation, it still affects nearby cells and tissues because the devices are used frequently and kept close to the body.

EWG’s Cellphone Radiation FAQs. maybe helpful

When does cell phone emit the strongest radiation?

Cell phones emit radiation whenever they transmit the signal toward the cellphone tower. Speaking into the phone would produce more radiation emission than receiving a signal, such as during a data download.

Cellphones also emit the most radiation when they are attempting to connect to cellular towers. A moving phone such as used while riding a train, or whenever the signal is very weak, has to work harder, giving off more radiation.

Cellphone cases can partially block the antenna, making the phone work harder to transmit a signal and intensifying the radiation that strikes the user’s head and body. EWG’s report Does Your Cellphone Case Raise Your Radiation Exposure? could be helpful.

Is Wi-Fi as risky as cellphone radiation?

Studies on radiation classified as a possible carcinogen have been done on conventional cellphone.

Most home Wi-Fi routers operate in the 2400 MHz (which is the same as 2.4 GHz) range. 5G Wi-FI operates in a higher range, around 5 GHz or greater.

In the U.S., 2G and 3G cellphone technologies have primarily operated in the 800-1900 MHz range. Cellphone 4G technologies have used frequency bands in the same range, as well as moving to higher frequencies in the gigahertz range.  Therefore, When it comes to Wi-Fi 4G and 5G, we are left guessing.

Distance matters – the closer the body is to the source of radiation, the more radiation users will absorb.

Cellphones are frequently used directly next to the body, and the potential for radiation absorption is great. Wi-Fi routers are typically farther away, decreasing exposure. Some experts recommend against keeping a Wi-Fi router next to the bed or the bedroom but rather placing it in the area of the house where people spend less time.

Tablets and laptops can be in constant touch with the body and are used wirelessly are dangerous?

Like phones, these wireless-enabled devices transmit more radiation when they send the signal out. A good rule of thumb is to keep the tablet or laptop on a table or supported by its own stand, rather than holding it on your lap.

Cellphone use on Children

Cellphone radiation can make the blood-brain barrier more permeable. Research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse clearly demonstrated that cellphone radiation alters brain activity, as EWG described in 2013.

Children’s and teens’ brains and bodies are developing and growing rapidly. Age and head/body shape differences matter when it comes to radiation absorption. The brain of a child or slight woman, with their smaller, thin skull bones, would absorb significantly more radiation than that of a large man.

The solution is to teach children how to use a headset and speaker phone rather than having them hold the phone close to their ear while they talk.
