FREE Cash Back as you shop – by simply using Ebates

FREE Cash Back as you shop – by simply using Ebates

Do you know you can get cash back when you shop either online or at your local stores by simply using Ebates?

No cost to sign up.

Sign up is super easy, nothing to lose!

I’ve been using Ebates since 2011, I got hundreds of cash back so far.

Especially Ebates is very useful when I shop for sale items during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  Ebates often increasae the percentage, often double or triple Cash Back during these times.

For example, my favorite 6 piece towel set at JC Penny normally $84 was on sale $30 during Cyber Monday.  I used 35% off coupon, plus Ebates 18% cash back, ended up paying only $16.

Ebates is not limited to goods. You can use it for hotels, Airlines, Car rentals and more.

For example I’ve used Ebates  for below in the past:

  • Expedia
  • Amazon
  • JC Penny
  • Office Depot
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Macys
  • Kohl’s
  • Best Buy
  • Walmart
  • Target

How to create your Ebates account

  1. Click “Join Now” icon at the top of Ebates page
  2. Enter your Email and Password and click “Join Now” or you can use your Facebook or Google account to create Ebates account.
  3. You will receive automated Confirmation Email. Confirm your email.
  4. There are 2 ways you receive money from Ebates:  Check or PayPal
    You can set it up from “My Account” -> “Account Setting”

    I use PayPal. By doing so, I’ve been receiving cash from Ebates has been sending me cash in regular basis.

    Once you receive money in PayPal, transfer the money to your local bank account.  All free of charge.  PayPal online banking is free, so I strongly recommend having an account for convenience.
  5. You may want to register your credit cards under “My Account” -> My Wallet”.

  6. You can get cash back by using the linked credit card when you shop at your local store.  Currently only Visa and American Express can be linked.

How to use Ebates  ー Online Shopping

When you purchase anything online (goods, service, hotel, air, or anything), right before you checkout, go to Ebates !

When you go to Ebates, you see the list of Cash Back,

the list of sales and deals,

but in behind, there are hundreds of stores registered in Ebates.

To find the store you are using,

  1. Enter the store name in Search box, OR

    Click “All Stores” and

    Select the alphabet of your store.  For example, if you are going to buy good at “Walmart”, click “W”.
  2. Click “Shop Now” button of the store you are shopping and then checkout.

Another very useful feature I strongly recommend is browser plugin.

For example, Ebates has a Google Chrome Extension plugin.  By installing it, when the website you are visiting is in Ebates, a popup will appear notifying you the cash back % and all current coupons/deals of the site.  You can activate Ebates and also apply coupon with one click. 

How to use Ebates  ー Local Stores

Watch this video:

You can register your credit cards under “My Account” -> “My Wallet“.

You can also link the card with the credit cards ahead of time.

However, if you are going to use the credit card not registered in Ebates, you can register and link on the fly using Ebates app on your cell phone.

I strongly recommend to try out Ebates.  Nothing to lose, but only to gain!